ERP Solutions
XERP Software is one of the leading Cloud ERP solution in Bangladesh for Industrial Manufacturing & Production oriented companies. The system works with combined modules of-
- Orders, Sales & Export Management Module
- Purchase & Import (LC) Management
- CRM (Party Management Module)
- Collection & Payment Management Module
- Inventory Management Module
- Production Management Module
- Banking & Transactions Management
- Core Accounting System
- Human Resources Management with Payroll
- Reporting & Statements Module
- Software Administration & Security Management
Framework Architechture
- Full featured out of the box ERP software with the flexibility to run swiftly for any size of users.
- The System can be integrated in a IIS web server environment and a centralized MS SQL Server database will be used for synthesizing these systems, which will retain in a real IP based central Windows server.
- The workstations (Computer or any other smart devices) would be anywhere and will be used for accessing the master database through web browsers internet connection.
Integrated Features:
- 3 Tier Architecture, Agile based development
- Integrated Security System for hacking protection
- Light-weight UI design for high data traffic
- 128bit encryption for securing data
- Scalable Database System
- Master Page and theme based development
- User level access Authentication- assigned from Administrator
- Sessioning and Safe view-stat Configuration& Authorization
- Integrated and linked modules etc.
Technologies Used for Development
- Extreme SAS Framework for Templating
- Microsoft® MVC 4.0 with HTML5 & CSS3 for front-end
- Microsoft® C# as back-end coding language
- Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 for Database
- Crystal Reports & Developer Express for reporting
- JQuery & AngularJs for AJAX functionalities
Software Features
General Features
- Secured Administration & User Panel
- Web based centralized cloud server system
- Compatible with smart devices/mobile browsers
- Multi users with multi authorization types
- Time based Multiple User Data-Entry Management
- Transactional SMS/ Email Integration (Optional)
- Searching & Reporting data by any criteria.
Sales Module
Sales, Export LC & Collection
- Setup: Customers, Brands, Sales Representative, Sales Zone, Delivery Points
- Set Customer Credit Limit by Maturity Days & Amounts.
- Provision For Create/Edit Delivery Order (DO) against PO
- Money Collection from Customers (By Cheque, Cash etc.)
- Order Status Monitoring
- Sales Invoice Generation according to DO
- Provision for Sales Entry without DO
- Create PI for Export
- Create LC from PI (with amendment provision)
- Sales Return/Adjustment
- Cancel DO, Re-open closed DO
- Sales Collection (Cash/Credit/Cheque/TT/Barter)
- Collection against LC
- Collection-Cheque Status (in hand/in bank/passed/bounced)
- M.R/ S.R & Location Based Sales Invoice
- Tracking Customer Credit limit & Day Limit For Sales Invoice Preparations
- Provision For Auto & Manual Discount
Sale Reports
- Print DO & Sales Invoice
- Sales Statement (Date & Party-wise)
- Customer Wise Sales-Collection History (Opening-During The Period-Balance )
- Customer Ledger
- Credit List with Financial Summery
- DO History (Delivered/Pending)
- Sales by Item Group, Categories, Products, Customers etc.
- Sales by Marketing Persons
- Collection By Cash, Cheque, DD, TT ETC.
- Dues/Credit tracking and aging of dues
- Cheque In and Out Tracking
- Provision Of Making The Cheque Dishonor
- Provision Of Again Placing Of Cheque For Dishonored Cheque
- Customer Analysis and The Best Customer Reporting.
Menu Architecture
Sub Menu | Entry Form |
Setups | |
Customers | |
Customer Brands | |
Sales Representatives | |
Sales Zone | |
Delivery Points | |
POS | |
Sales Order Entry | |
Edit Sales Order | |
Create New PI | |
Update PI Info | |
Create LLC from PI | |
LLC Amendment | |
Order Delivery | |
Direct Invoicing | |
Sales Return | |
Close/Reopen PO/LLC | |
Collections | |
Sales Collection | |
Collection From LC | |
Cheque Processing | |
Reports | |
Sales by Items | |
Sales by Pack-Size | |
Pack-Size Sales Summery | |
Sales by Item Grade | |
Item Sales by Month | |
Yearly Sales by Pack-Size | |
Yearly Sales to Customers | |
Yearly Sales by Grade & Company | |
Sales by Grade & Company | |
Customers Sales Summery | |
Customers Sales Details | |
PO By Date Range | |
PO Items | |
Pending Delivery Items | |
Invoice By Date Range | |
Invoice By Payment Status | |
Search Invoice | |
Credit List | |
Customer Ledger | |
Sales Collection History | |
Purchase Module
Import LC Local Purchase
- Product Manufacturer & Supplier Setup
- Import Agent & CNF Setup
- LC Insurance & Banks
- Local Purchase Entry
- Purchase & LC Items Return Return
- Payment: Suppliers, CNF Agent, Bank etc.
- Payment Cheque Processing
- Party Balance Adjustment
- LC Expense Heads Setup & Expenses Entry
- LC General Info
- LC Amendment
- LC Costing Calculation: Duty, CNF Commission, Insurance, Bank Charges, Others.
Local Purchase & LC Reports
- Purchase History: Suppliers, Agents, Item Group, Products etc.
- LC Status
- Payment Status & history
- Party Credit List
- Date-wise Purchase
- Supplier Ledger
- Item-wise Actual Costing
- LC wise Profit Statement
- Payment-Cheque Status
Menu Structure
Setups | |
Supplier Categories | |
Manufacturers | |
Import Agents | |
CNF Agents | |
Insurence Company | |
Purchase Zones | |
Referrers | |
Vendors (Suppliers) | |
Local Purchase | |
Purchase Entry | |
Purchase Edit | |
Purchase Return | |
Purchase Payment | |
Cheque Processing | |
Adjustment | |
LC | |
LC Expense Heads | |
LC General Info | |
LC Status Updates | |
LC Amendment | |
LC Expenses | |
LC Finalization | |
LC Payment | |
Purchase Reports | |
Purchase by Invoice | |
Supplier Credit List | |
Supplier Ledger | |
Purchase by Products | |
Party Payment History | |
Search Purchase | |
LC Reports | |
LC By Date Range | |
LC Detail View | |
Item Costing Comparison | |
LC Items History | |
LC Payment History | |
Search LC Info |
Inventory Module
- Product Group Setup
- Product Categories Setup
- Product Grade Setup
- Product Information Setup
- Auto Code generation for products
- Search Information by grade, categories, groups
- Unit type conversion for products
- Warehouses Setup by Locations
- Set Opening Stock
- Stock Quantity Adjustment
- Provision for multiple godown Stock
- Easy Adjustment Provision of Purchase
- Stock-in Under LC or Local Purchase
- Godown to godown item transfer
Stock Reports
- Current Stock by Group, Category, Grade & Products
- Date Wise Stock Register (item in/out history)
- Stock by Godown
- Stock Valuation
- LC/LP wise product stocking
Menu Architecture
Product Setup | Product Groups |
Product Sub-Group | |
Product Grade | |
Product Category | |
Product Name | |
Pack Size | |
Units | |
Ink Specifications | |
Warehouses | Warehouses Setup |
Store Areas | |
Adjustment | Raw Stock Adjustment |
Wastage Stock Adjustment | |
Processed Item Adjustment | |
Finished Stock Adjustment | |
Machinery Stock Adjustment | |
Others Stock Adjustment | |
Reports | Current Stock (Raw) |
Current Stock (Wastage) | |
Current Stock (Processed) | |
Current Stock (Finished) | |
Current Stock (Machineries) | |
Current Stock (Others) | |
In-Out History (Raw) | |
Transfer History |
Production Module
Production Material Consumption
- Production Costing Calculation
- Provision For Pre Fixed Raw Material Assumption
- For Preparation Each Ton of Finish Good
- Easy To Setup Raw Wastage % Per Finish Goods Production
- Auto Stock Deduct Based on Daily Finish Goods Production
- Auto Finish Goods Add On Finish Good Stock
Note: There is Also Provision for Manually Adjust Raw Material from Stock by requisitions Voucher & also provision for Finish Goods adjustment.
Raw-stock Production Reports
- Supervisor-wise Production Report
- Monthly Production Report (Item & Date wise)
- Raw Material Assumption (Each Ton)
- Detail Raw Stock Report With Purchase Values
- Costing of Daily Production (Actual Or Last Purchase Value Or Average)
Menu Architechture
Setups | |
Sections | |
Machines | |
Lines | |
Shifts | |
Operations | |
Colors | |
Production Purposes | |
Standard Production | |
Production | |
Shearing | |
Offset Printing | |
Power Press | |
Round Tin | |
Plastic Container | |
Screen Print | |
Plastic Finishing | |
Reports | |
Stock Register | |
Hourly Production Report | |
Employee Efficiency Report | |
Production by Date | |
Production by Sections |
Core Accounting System
- Banks Info
- 4 Steps Chart of Accounts (Group, Control, Sub-Accounts, Accounts Head)
- Auto Head Selection By Voucher Particulars
- Dual Entry Vouchering System
- Voucher entry and Day Books
- Voucher Approval
- Voucher Cancellation Provision
- Ledgers
- Accounts Group
- Control Accounts
- Sub-Accounts
- Accounts Head
- Debtors Ledger
- Creditors Ledger
- Debtors & Creditors Summery
- Auto Voucher entry from Other Financial Activities
- Day Book (Daily Collection / Expenditure Summery)
- Financial Statements
- Chart of Accounts
- Receipts & Payments
- Income Statement
- Cash-flow Statements
- Profit and Loss Accounts
- Balance Sheet
- Trial Balance
- Date-wise & Individual Voucher Report with canceled voucher
- Net Position of Funds
Menu Architechture
Setups | |
Subsidiary Accounts | |
Control Accounts | |
Accounts Head Setup | |
Banks Setup | |
Bank Accounts | |
Particulars | |
Data Entry | |
Voucher Entry | |
Voucher Edit | |
Reports | |
Chart of Accounts | |
Trial Balance | |
PL Account | |
Income Statement | |
Balance Sheet | |
A/C Group Ledger | |
Sub A/C Ledger | |
Control A/C Ledger | |
A/C Head Ledger | |
Cancelled Vouchers | |
Voucher by Date |
Human Resources Management
- Employee Designation Setup (For Admin, Supervisor, Worker etc.)
- Working Hour/ Shift Setup
- Employment Type for Fixed or work-based Salary (Casual & Permanent)
- Employee Profile With Photo
- Search Employee Data for Possible match with previous records
- Rate/Salary Info for Casual & Permanent Employees
- Auto Salary Generation upon Service/ Work (Daily/ Monthly)
- Prepare Pay Slip & Salary Sheet Including Other Benefits
- Payment to Employee (Salary, Advance, Convince etc.)
- Daily Attendance Posting with Scheduling, Tasks & Status etc.
Setups | |
Employee Departments | |
Sections | |
Designations | |
Rules & Regulations | |
Duty Shifts | |
Holidays | |
Employee Setup | |
Promotion/Termination | |
Bonus Setup | |
Data Entry | |
Daily Attendance | |
Edit Employee Attendance | |
Monthly Attendance | |
Salary Processing | |
Bonus Processing | |
Pay to Employee | |
Reports | |
List of Employees | |
Salary Sheet | |
Pay-Slip | |
Employee Ledger | |
Attendance History | |
Employee Applications |
Document Library | |
LC | |
PO | |
Purchase | |
LLC | |
Others | |
Search Doc Library | |
Setups | |
Address Book | |
Task Scheduler | |
Expense Heads | |
Complain Categories | |
Data Entry | |
Customer Queries | |
Customer Support | |
New Campaign | |
Email to Customer | |
Campaign Expenses |
Facts Module
Declarations | |
Price Declaration | |
Consumptions | |
Consumption Statistics | |
Print Impresion | |
Reduce/MTT/Thiner | |
Ink Consumption | |
Coating, Varnish, Sizeetc | |
Measurements | |
Tin Sheet Measurement | |
Standard Height Spec. |
Software Administration
Setups | |
Country Setup | |
City Setup | |
Company Info | |
Main Menu | |
Sub Menu | |
Form Settings | |
Notice & Messages | |
Post News to Scroll | |
Send Message to User | |
Edit News | |
All News Updates | |
Received Messages | |
Users & Security | |
Permission Level | |
Create Login Profile | |
User Permissions | |
Block User | |
Reset Password | |
User Login History | |
User Activity Log | |
Admin Reports | |
Important Documents | |
Maintenance | |
Data Backup
For More Please Visit : xerp software
Call +8801817251582
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